Nov 22, 2018


I had been thinking of the written word when this old
adage popped up, "Reading gives us someplace to go
when we have to stay where we are." ~Mason Cooley
Cooley, known for his aphorisms, said it all when he
came out with this one! I've often thought that the
greatest gift my parents gave me after the gift of life,
was the gift of reading. The hours I have spent in the
joys of tumbled thoughts and glorious travels are, to
this day, beyond priceless. I suppose now would be an
appropriate time to confess to book hoarding . . . I even
have my own library, thousands and thousands of
books. Yesterday, i was compelled to take a truckload
of books to the DAV as there was simply no space in
which to house them; this cabin is ever so tiny . . .
I wept copiously! I bet when Jesus said it was more
blessed to give than to receive, he wasn't talking about
books! So, today is one of those perfect days to stay
abed under the comforter and read until twilight! A
fantasy at best . . . alas, Thanksgiving prep awaits!

clearly most thankful
but would rather be reading
family beckons

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