Nov 30, 2018


Reconnection . . . one simply has to wonder
what it's all about. Is is magical? Is it pre-
ordained? Happenstance? Important? A gal
from my high school got in touch with me on
FB thanks to a couple of friends that we have
in common. She said she knew me but I didn't
remember her. Frankly, there are a lot of years
between 15 and 69 and I most likely don't recall
a lot of people and events from that era. Long
story short, I invited her to lunch. Even when
she walked in, I didn't recognize her. Then we
opened the yearbooks . . . and there she was,
our pictures side by side; I recalled her perfectly.
Bottom line, life is fascinating, strange, alluring
in all its aspects. We spent a lovely day together,
many memories, recollections and tales out of
school, as it were; most fun! Life is like that, isn't
it? You go along each day, minding your own
business and doing the best you can. And then,
something happens and you're cast back into a
sea of memories long misplaced and dusty. Almost
magical! Tish, bless you for the reminiscings . . .

wanna take a ride
a trip down memory lane
unlikely travels

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