Nov 25, 2018


Who am I? What am I? Where am I going?
Have I lived a worthwhile life? Am I worthy?
Do I measure up? Have I even earned the
right to hope for whatever happens next?
Near the end of our sojourn here on earth,
I imagine these to be the questions we will
ask ourselves. For my part, I don't wish to
wait that long . . . It may be scary as hell,
but I need to hold myself accountable now.
I want to know the truth whatever that may
be and at whatever cost. Perhaps it simply
trickles down to, "Who do I want to be when
I grow up?" I used to worry about what others
thought of me; now, I am mostly concerned
about what I think of me . . . a true turnabout!
Leaving the ethereal aside, "Where do I go from
here?" Is it a question of facing each day anew?
Making well thought out choices? Examining
each action before even happening and aligning
those actions with my own personal philosophy?
Am I touting Shakespeare now? "To thine own
self be true?" Do all and sundry face this agony
with age? What now? Perhaps I should embrace
all this new age ideology. Is it really that easy?
Create myself through thought and self-acceptance?
Maybe easy isn't quite the right word, but whatever
it is, wherever I go from here, I am no longer an
innocent abroad . . . I now live in the realm of
been there, done that; I have to take responsibility
for me, even if this requires growing up at seventy.
Frankly, I am tired just thinking about it; may the
gods grant me courage . . .

longing for answers
dont even know the questions
will there be a test

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