Nov 15, 2018


I'm running behind, a place where we all have been.
It not only affects your sense of accomplishment,
but somehow it establishes itself in such a manner
that it becomes sort of a permanent state. I'm not
certain, exactly, how this happens. I suppose some
of us are list makers along with checking off and/or
crossing off. Others probably have some kind of
fluctuating list in their heads that they work with.
On a professional level, bosses demand . . . but we
are no different on the personal level. As adults, we
come to expect that each day we accomplish a given
number of tasks that bring us nearer to our goals,
whatever those may be. I find I don't have an answer.
Does dismissing the list help? Short term goals? Long
term goals? Saunter through life as it comes to you?
Or, is there a reasonable way to confront our needs,
our responsibilities, map out a general plan and simply
do each day what you can? My dad used to quote the
old adage, "The hurrier I go, the behinder I get"!
Me thinks I need a vision, a visit from the gods, some
instruction please! One way or another, it's on my list
 . . . let's see if I get a visitation!

expecting to find
a genie in a bottle
need a miracle

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