Nov 3, 2018


We are each born with a broad variety of cultures
to our credit column . . . albeit our racial heritage
such as Jewish, English, German, Asian, African.
Add in our wondrous paint palette . . . red, yellow,
black, white . . . our fun features . . . tall, short,
fat, thin . . . our personality traits . . . gregarious,
private, quiet, loud, interesting, dull, fun, boring . . .
and we have a myriad of amazing souls on this
planet that seem bound and determined NOT to
get along. I like to think that in the nigh onto 100
years I've been on this planet that things have
improved. Yet, it occurs to me that the only thing
that has changed is the costume in which we
present our own personal 'isms'. Are there truly
any answers? Is there anything really that we can
actually do? Perhaps the old cliche that everything
begins with ME, is right. From there, we make the
effort to make things right within our familial circle.
Choose our friends wisely and carefully . . . and
as each and everyone of us continues on with our
own circles, GOOD will grow. Right will survive.
CORRECT will enhance and perhaps HONOR will
win the day. Start we ME; start with YOU; let's
become US.

exhausted from hate
striving as fast as i can
may peace win the day

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