Sep 28, 2018


Today, I am blest with a day on my own. I've
always been a person who appreciated, nay
required, solitude. Time alone is a precious
gift. I find myself simply enjoying thinking
about it and planning how I'm going to spend
it. Alas, there is always an abundance of chores
that need seeing to; no need to plan those. How
then, will I spend my allotted gift?! Perhaps, I'll
write a few letters; I've always enjoyed correspondence.
A walk sounds intriguing, so I do pray for a nice day.
I have some boxes of mementos that need going
through . . . ah, what a day I'm going to have . . .
but wait, my man isn't even gone yet and I'm
missing him already.

a day on my own
such moments to be cherished
must share them with you

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