Sep 13, 2018


I've been pondering culture. It's such a vast word in and of
itself. There is the culture we live in, the culture of the different
groups of people we hang with, and of course, our own personal
culture. Obviously, there is more, but I want to simply think about
my own. Did I choose it? Did I create it? Or, was it simply visited
up me by life, by family, by personal choices? Or, is that all one
and the same? I recognize that the Mexican culture is very important
to me. Ditto my teaching culture. The culture within my family realm,
the culture of my personal belief system, all part of what makes me,
ME. Then, I ask myself, why is this important at this time in my life?
It does seem to me that it is important. Important to understand me
and what I'm about in this life. It becomes even more important when
I realize I'm much nearer the end of my life than the beginning. I do
recognize that it's paramount for me to love rather than hate, to hold
my family and friends above all else, to give rather than receive.
Perhaps, those three things actually comprise my personal culture.
Bears thinking about . . .

family and friends
my creed beliefs mother earth
sustain me through time

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