Sep 19, 2018


My lovely man finished my porch yesterday afternoon.
I've never had a porch before . . . there can be no
experience its equal! A couple of chairs, throws against
the evening cool, several lit candles, a glass of champagne
to celebrate and a fine cigar. We literally sat there until
it was well dark. Such enjoyment, without par. It made
me think that perhaps this kind of thing is missing in our
daily lives. We're all about the rush . . . rust to get ready,
rush to get to work, rush to get home, rush to avoid rush
hour . . . all to be followed by take out and television.
Now, if we all ended our day on the porch, a cup of tea,
a glass of wine, talking quietly by candle light . . . might
even be the beginning of world peace. For certain, it does
bring peace within . . . and make no mistake, I am a fan!

the gift of a porch
an hour or two of quiet
silence in my soul

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