Sep 7, 2018


I read an article on the elderly this morning,
and it rather kick-started me into thinking
about this whole aging thing. Obviously, you
notice those changes in your looks, your body
as the years pass by, but thank the gods, it's all
rather gradual or we'd be in hospital for nervous
breakdown. Still, once I retired and found myself
running into mirrors on the odd occasion, I'd
always feel quite startled. Maybe, not to the point
of shooting all the mirrors in the house, but still . . .
'Tis a blessing we are all somehow forced to accept
the inevitable, but you have to admit it takes a
certain amount of courage, nonetheless. And, it's
not only actresses that make the effort to eat right,
work out, dress in modern mode and learn the
current lingo . . . and yes, in the depths of my soul,
I sometimes wish I were one of them. But, I was
busy . . . busy spending time with my children,
enjoying my teaching career, falling in love, taking
the odd campout into stride, to say nothing of my
book a day vice.  So, when was I ever going to do
the nasty (as I tend to think of it) with this whole,
"going to the gym, catch you later," thing?
Guess it might be time to shut up about it and
endure the choices I made . . .

old body and soul
the choice of inner beauty
a small price to pay

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