Sep 5, 2018


The 4th would have been the first day of school.
Let's see, I have a hankering for about sixth grade.
We had a great teacher, I'd begun to have an interest
in boys (one of them lies beside me right this moment).
The older girls were beautiful, experimenting with
their hair and clothes as well as sneaking a bit of make
up. We got to hear all about first dates, first kisses and
the new term, making out, was being bandied about a
bit. In looking back, I can see the difference between
the sweet innocence that was then and the knowing 
that is now. There's nothing wrong with either, it's
just that we were living precious moments and didn't
even know it. Which makes me wonder, will I look
back on today, when I am a proper oldster, and think
that this time of my life was precious moments as well?
I'm going to make an effort to value this moment in
time rather than moaning about my yesterdays and
secretly wishing for my tomorrows.

precious memories
but id rather make new ones
always much more fun

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