Sep 24, 2018


This whole moving process from a residence
in the mountains to a tiny, tiny 120 year old
cabin, has to be one of the most amazing
experiences, E V E R !!! I have half a notion
to name my cabin, The Lost and Found. I've
lost so many things, I can't even tabulate . . .
but on the other hand, I'm finding things I
haven't seen in years. One of the treasures
at the forefront would be 100 year old photos
a la black and white. Some of them have been
the postmark, in 1907 . . . 111 years ago. I
feel humbled to even hold them in my hand.
Oh, there's my dad's, great uncle Len, holding
onto his dog for dear life. Great, great aunt
Elsie, on my mother's side, is feeding her
chickens. I'm not sure that any of us have
ever turned photos of our daily lives into
post cards, 'tis a thing of a very distant past.
All of this makes me wonder . . . will future
generations ever find the odd photo and query,
"Is that great, great aunty Linda-Dale? Doesn't
she look quaint, the way she's dressed?" Life
has to be the strangest journey any of us ever

via olde photos
traveling into the past
feeling nostalgic

Real Photo postcards, are a category some
people collect and are worth more than regular
mass-printed cards. It was easier in the early
days to get them than to have regular photos
made. Not everyone had cameras. ~Sally White

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