Sep 20, 2018


The cabin saga continues . . .

Most of you know we've been working on my 120 year old cabin
for six years now. It was built between 1887 and 1889. The old
blacksmith who built it, carved out two tiny bedrooms in the attic
in 1930 and attached a little (and I mean little) bathroom in 1950.
The first thing my man did was tear down the privy. We figure since
it's not been in use for 68 years (my age exactly), that we can now
dig it up. You may recall from your history studies that old-time
privies used to serve as dumping grounds and are known to be
veritable treasure loads. My cousin has inspired me to dig it up
next summer. I hope it renders some treasures after all that work,
may have to salt the mine, as it were.

I don't think either of us ever thought in terms of living here
permanently, it was just for weekends and parties, right?! But,
when you're nigh onto 70, your priorities change. It's been slow
going but a lot of fun as well. In looking at this whole six year
rehab project, I seem to be doing the same to myself. It must be
part of the whole aging process . . . this need to rehab, re-make,
re-do, restore, becomes as important for the soul as it is for an
ancient cabin I must say, upgrading the cabin is a hell of a lot
easier than upgrading me . . . wish me luck . . . and time . . .
if you will.

want to live longer
much growing to accomplish
a gift of time please

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