Sep 16, 2018


I find it interesting how the closer we get to the end of our days,
the more family and friends matter. I look back over my well
lived life and clearly recognize that this has always been the
case for me. Having said that, still, there was hearth and home,
to say nothing of the job (teaching for just over 40 years . . .
which I loved, by the way) and all that rearing a family entails.
Now, en mi vejez, mostly all I can think about . . . PEOPLE,
real people. My children, all four of them, are such a joy to me.
I don't even need to see them to take pleasure in them, the
memories sustain! I find, in my cousins, the sisters I never had
and I miss them. I wish we lived nearer; I long to hang out. I'm
constantly reminiscing about the past, my childhood, moments
lost in time. I'm remembering my grandparents, my uncles . . .
what's this all about?! I always said I would never grow old . . .
and here I am, not only growing old, but acting just like the
other viejitos . . . old guys, I mean. I wonder if God ever chuckles
as he brings us to our knees?!

feel it in my bones
the mysteries of aging
never getting old

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