Sep 4, 2018


The class of worlds happens to us all, I suppose.
My young world, a more innocent time perhaps,
where we didn't have the technology we enjoy
today, is now infused with all the glory of computers,
cell-phones, i-phones, head-phones, game boys, and
a plethora of other techno-objects too long to list.
Last night I was checking my E-MAIL and per usual,
erased each note as I answered. The messages I needed
to save, I sent to SENT MAIL and proceeded to ultimately
erase my trash box. Feeling all satisfied that I had indeed
completed my daily mail duties, I clicked on a box called
ALL MAIL. To my dismay, there were hundreds of missives
there that I mostly had never seen. I suppose ignorance is no
excuse, but there you have it. I'm still not sure whether 'twas
a treasure trove or a quick sand swamp, but I spent the next
couple of hours reading through ancient to new messages
that I had never seen. At best, it was an interesting exercise,
at worst, an embarrassing one. There are people that must
have wondered why I never answered their missives and
others that I would have much enjoyed the interactions had
I written. I have no answers, but it's almost the first time I
truly felt elder, as it were. I appreciate and enjoy technology.
I have learned, along the way, to use what I need and not to
bother with the parts that don't particularly interest me.
However, from time to time, my own ignorance brings me
to my knees. Not sure where to go from here, but, I am
dancing as fast as I can, to quote Barbara Gordon.

just feeling my age
how old did you say i am
yes old as the hills

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