Sep 15, 2018


Be positive, they say. Lose the negativity, they say.
Everything's going to be alright, they say. Right!
I'm dancing as fast as I can (my fave Barbara Gordon
quote) and NO, everything is NOT alright. But, I'd
have to admit, it's my fault . . . o.k. Mostly my fault!
What is it about life anyway? You're on a diet for
months and don't lose any weight! You don't spend
a dime on yourself for weeks and yet you run out of
shekels mid-month! You take all your vitamins
faithfully and when you go to the doc, she says you
haven't improved! You spend an entire day cleaning
your choza and it's all dirty again in the blink of an
eye! Alright, I'll cop to it . . . I've gone and gotten
all negative again. I guess that's why the gods only
gave us 24 hours in a day. Tomorrow will be better.

just banging my head
feels most wondrous when i stop
so need to relax

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