Sep 14, 2018


Upon reading the various accounts of racism of late,
I find myself rather astounded. I thought we had finally
moved beyond this! I remember carpooling with a young
black man, back in the day, as we were both teaching in
a given area in Lincoln. We never thought a thing about
it. He was from the West Indies and his fiancee was Asian.
I was from the US and my husband was from Mexico. We
used to joke that we formed our own mini-United Nations.
He and I stopped to gas up his bug one afternoon. A group
of young lads came out of the station and upon seeing us,
began throwing anything they could lay their hands on.
Rather gave a new name to hail storm. They broke the
windshield, dented the body . . . finally coming over and
rocking the car back and forth, once we were in. We were
beyond frightened; we were terrified. Racism is a dance of
sorts, on step forward and two steps backwards . . . I pray
one day we can finally leave this ugly dance behind.

dancing the two step
one step forward two steps back
lost going nowhere 

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