Sep 17, 2018


Tonight, I pulled another all-nighter, thanks to my
once-a-month coffee fix. I always say I don't mind,
and I don't . . . it's just that parade of sins marching
down Sleepless Street that bothers me. I imagine
I'm not the only one who joins in the parade when
not resting easy en los brazos de Morfeo! I suppose
the usual wrongs of a fairly normal person, ok, NOT
so normal, don't stand for much in the world we live
in today. Having said that, when demanding such
high standards of oneself, it does indeed matter. I
tend to think of those terms being bandied about
these days . . . learn to let go, forgive yourself, move
on, let it be. And, although I'd like to be 33 again, I
sure wish I belonged to the generation that embraces
those slogans!

reviewing my sins
me sleepless in seattle
high price for coffee

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