Sep 10, 2018


Walking through the market, I spied an
elder gentleman who was obviously the
worse for wear, but with a decided look
of a nostalgic past . . . sweet beard, fabulous
hat and a costume that would have put him
happily at the Renaissance Fair. I actually
found myself making an effort not to stare.
As I wandered ear him, I commented, "Fab
outfit." Being a bit of an odd dresser myself,
I wasn't surprised when he spied the artist-
made silver star on my suede vest. "Oh, and
I just love your star; it's a must have, how
much do you want for it?" he queried. I'd
have to admit, it was one of those moments!
I simply reached up, undid my precious star
and handed it to him. With words to the effect
of, "Enjoy!" I walked off, chuckling at the look
of pure astonishment on his face.

those precious moments
all the more fun for the shock
never to forget

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