Aug 31, 2024


"You cannot save people, you 
can only love them." ~Anaïs Nin

This statement so reminds me of
my daughter. What an amazing
young woman. 

Our family celebrates a plethora
of belief systems . . . Christianity,
Paganism, Agnostic, etc. My gal
is a Christian, the real McCoy!

It so moves me how she accepts
us all, no matter our personal
beliefs. She doesn't proselytize,
preach, condemn; she only loves.

Methinks she must be a very old
soul to be so wise, so kind and
so loving.

I want to be just like her when 
I grow up!

 - - -

Anaïs Nin was a diarist, essayist,
novelist. Born to Cuban parents
in France, composer Joaquín Nin
and Rosa Culmell, classically
trained singer. 1903-1977 

Aug 30, 2024


Methinks today I am paying 
for my sins!

Every year, I make a batch of
spice I can share with fam and
friends. Too expensive to sell
and lovely to share!

Over the past few days, I've
been throwing ingredients in
my cauldron, as it were. Not
mixing, you understand, just

This early a.m. I started the
stirring process. Oh my God,
in minutes, I had the entire
house a cough.

None of us were even able
to stop coughing.  Oh the 
price one pays for high

Still, absolutely delish! Go
figure . . . 

Want a taste?

Aug 29, 2024


Been kind of down of late. Almost
like Winter SAD. So, not sure if it's 
the Universe providing or if it's my 
friends . . .

Yesterday, my bestie from over the
mountain came . . . bringing her
lovely self and peaches, no less.

Today, the first friend I made in
Denver is coming for lunch and 
in the evening my triad joins in.

Tomorrow, last FAC for 4 weeks
with our dearests and bests next
door and a party on Sat. Invited 
to dine on Sun . . . 

It's like the great Mother is saying 
to me, "Cheer up, you silly goose! 
There are those who love you and 
lots to live for."

I feel suitably chastened . . . not
sure to whom I should offer my
apologies . . .

 . . . but enough of the pity party
already! Sooooo need to get over

Aug 28, 2024


"Nature is not a place to visit;
it is home." 
Ecological Consciousness

Many have asked me about my
spiritual beliefs. The above says
it all in a nutshell.

I sit at the feet of Mother Nature.
I bow to her moods and beauty.
I thank her daily, if not more often,
for all she provides.

When I find myself overcome in
sorrow, all I have to do is go out
and be with her for a while. I'm
ever so thankful to be living in
her forest.

Gleefully happy, I find I must share.
So, where do I go? To my very own
happy tree just outside the cabin.

Not necessarily sad, just grumpy,
again she is the answer.

Mother is such a gift to us. I simply
do not understand the perils all over
the world of floods, tornados, storms.

Alas, I do not understand . . .

Aug 27, 2024


National Dog Day, held 
annually on August 26.
USA Today

We grew up with pets in our
fam. Every mixed breed from
here to Kingdom Come. I well
remember loving them all.

The time came, however, for
my little brother to get his first
guide dog. We were told that
pets were fine, but preferably
no other dogs.

'Twas hard to say good bye,
but we were able to place them.
Sammy's first dog was a lovely
Golden Retriever. He obviously
came with a set of rules. 

We could never touch him
whilst on leash. Probably
preferable that we never touch
him at all.

How the world opened up for
my brother. The freedom it 
gave him, the positive added to
his life. I believe he had a total
of four during his life.

We may be honoring our dogs
and I know we love them all . . .

 . . . but naught in this world
matches the value of a seeing-
eye dog.

I salute them as well as all dogs 
trained to augment the lives of
those who need them.

Aug 26, 2024


"know when to walk away,
know when to run"
~Kenny Rodgers

I do this thing, which I think
I invented . . .

From the New Moon to the
Full Moon, I meditate on the
things I wish to add to my 
life, just as the Moon grows,
so will my state of being.

From the Full Moon to the
New Moon, I meditate on the
things I wish to diminish or
lose completely, just as the
Moon diminishes, so will the
negative in my state of being.

And then, once in a while, I
find myself humming a couple
of lines from Kenny Rodgers.

Although I don't necessarily
wish to grow up, I certainly
want to grow . . .

Pray, grant me daily growth! 

Aug 25, 2024


"I love old souls. Daydreamers,
the deep thinkers, with lots of
fascinating layers. They don't
care what others thin, they just
do their own thing and when 
it comes to friends, it's quality
over quantity."
empaths and old souls

Now, this is who I want to be
when I grow up! Sooooo not

Toying with upcoming b-days
and knowing I'm nigh onto a
100, I find myself watching the
elders . . . their garb, their walk,
what interests them.

It's like seeing a living catalog,
"I want that! Oh, pray I'll never
do that! Love her outfit! What
was she thinking?" etc.

Ever so lucky in that I already
have the bestest of friends and
most fab fam in the entire Uni!

Now, I just need to hit a good
2nd hand store to lay in some
really weird rags . . .

Hey, maybe we should have an
oldster parade?!

Aug 24, 2024


"The only thing you should
quit wearing as you get older
is the weight of other people's
opinions." Moon Lovers

Saw this bit of wisdom this
early morn. Gave me quite
a chuckle. 

As I've worn naught but black
since I retired a dozen years
ago, methinks I need to put
together some odds and ends
and play dress up lady as I 
did as a child.

I understand that opinions
are formed when others first
lay eyes on us. Still, the idea
of having fun with dress is a
good one.

I take life way too seriously.
Just might need to get over 

Beware . . . my 75th is
coming up shortly and I 
may be raiding some closets!

Aug 23, 2024


"My wish for you is that you
continue, continue to be who
you are, to astonish a mean
world w/your acts of kindness."
~Maya Angelou

Maya Angelou has always been
and continues to be, one of the
wisest women to ever grace the
earth! Mother Earth!!!

I wish I could properly emulate
her, yet there are times when I
sense that all kindness is dried
up somewhere in my soul.

But then, just as I'm losing faith,
I see someone who invokes in
me, a need to give a hand. And,
whilst doing so, with heart in
hand, I give thanks to the earth
that I'm not quite done yet.

Not certain if it's moi or being
born a Libra or just plain dumb 
luck, but I have this yen for
perfection. This needs to end!

We don't obtain perfection in
this lifetime. Having said that,
we should strive for being 
whole rather than the impossible.

So hoping I have just a tad more
in me to stay a while and work
on that!

Aug 22, 2024


"No one tells the oceans or the
trees or the mountains that they're
too old. They talk of how powerful,
how grounded, how awesome they
are. Imagine if we thought the same
way about ourselves as we got older.
Maybe we'd realize how spectacular
we are." ~Becky Hemsley

As I'm just shy of that glorious age
of 175, alright, 75, I find myself
thinking about the glories of aging.

Such a gift to reach this remarkable
age! I've lived through some things
that may have made this age un-
attainable . . . cancer for one, and
I choose not to talk about the rest
just now.

I'll not have a large party as many
do. But rather, a special thing each
day of the month. Pizza at my fave
place, an antiquing trip, meet up w/
friends and anything else I can think

Feel free to send your ideas as I'll be
celebrating 30 days for 75. I'll leave
the 31st for enjoying Samhain!

Am I lucky or what?!

Aug 21, 2024


"Always keep a bottle of tequila
in the fridge for special occasions, 
like Wednesday." ~Unknown

My good friend Dennis posted 
this bit of wisdom an hour or 
so ago. I chuckled, then laughed
and nearly got hysterical. 

I do love to drink. 'Tis why I only
allow myself three days a week
and fast three months out of the

Having said that, methinks the
underlying message has naught
to do with drink, but with life.

Why is it that we tend to save
everything for special occasions?
Every day we're alive is a special
occasion, right?! 

Alas, today will be the last day 
on earth for many. If it isn't us,
shouldn't we be living life to the
fullest? As if today, were our last?

For moi, Today I'm going to read 
from a fave book, visit with a 
dear friend, make some yummy
Mexican food and anything else
I can think of.

I do know this, I want to go down
living, not existing!

Lest we forget, Wednesday is

Aug 20, 2024


"In a sky full of falling stars,
she only wishes for the moon."
~A. Shea 

What is it about the heavens
that so fascinate and draw?!

For my guy, 'tis the morning
sun. So many love the stars
above all else. Moi, I adore
naught more than the moon.

I catch it outside the window
on my way down the stairs.
Ditto for on the way back.
Any and every time I can. 

Wish upon a star . . . No!
Just bask in the light of the
moon in any of its delightful

For me, our Lunar Lady 
completely turns the dark 
around. Makes it not only 
compatible, but enticing.

"Sometimes she felt weak,
but when the moon was full
ahhh, when the moon was full . . . "

Sooooo loving me our Lady!

Aug 19, 2024


"I am all in a sea of wonders.
I doubt; I fear; 
I think strange things
Which I dare not confess to 
     my soul."
~Bram Stoker

First reading this, I felt instant
recognition. My mind seems 
to have 'a mind of its own' . . .
as it were.

I recognize that I tend to live in 
my mind a great deal. 'Tis there
that I think and ponder about a 
great deal of things.

None of them nasty, some of 
them a tad dangerous, many

Sooooo, what's the prob already?
And then I'm reminded of a line
in song . . .

"It don't pay to think too much."
~Townes Van Zant

Here's to happy thinking! Salud!

 - - -

Abraham Stoker was an Irish 
author known for the 1897 
Drakula. 1847 - 1912 Wikipedia

Aug 18, 2024


"You're not grown until you
know how to communicate,
apologize, be truthful, and
accept accountability with-
out blaming someone else."

Ran across this little pearl 
of wisdom early morn. 
Wow! Just W O W !!!

I tend to think I'm up on all
of these and then I find my-
self slipping on one or the
'tother . . . Must be the gods
keeping me humble!

I seem to have no issue re
apologizing. My downfall
happens when I'm right 
and he's wrong and I seem 
to need or want recognition 
of the same. Why can't I
just let it go?!

I'm also quite capable of
blaming someone else if I
think they're in the wrong.
Again, why can't I just let 
it go?!

Obviously, not quite grown
up yet. Got things to work
on. Go figure! Pray, heaven
help me . . .

Aug 17, 2024


Can't help but wonder if the list 
for Banned Books isn't the best
recommendation for your next

I got to reading some of the lists
yesterday and recognized that I
had already read quite a few of
them. The below 15 are my faves.

Obviously, I can appreciate a
parent not wanting their children
reading porn or sado masochistic
materials. But, looking at these,
I would highly recommend them
to my kids and friends.

Last but not least, I actually taught
some of these in the classroom. I
didn't know at the time that they
were banned books, just fabulous


 - - -

The Bluest Eye ~Toni Morrison
To Kill a Mockingbird ~Harper Lee
Of Mice and Men ~John Steinbeck
The Handmaid's Tale ~Margaret Atwood
The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn 
    ~Mark Twain
A Child Called 'It' ~Dave Pelzer
Beloved ~Toni Morrison
The Catcher in the Rye ~J.D. Salinger
The Color Purple ~Alice Walker
The Giver ~Lois Lowry
Diary of a Young Girl ~Anne Frank
Bless Me, Ultima ~Rudolfo Anaya
House of the Spirits ~Isabel Allende
1984 ~George Orwell
I know Why the CagedBird Sings 
    ~Maya Angelou

Aug 16, 2024


Fun story . . .

Night before last, I chose
to read all night and actually
finished the book . . .

So, took a nap yesterday at
2:00 in the afternoon and 
woke up at 3:00 in the early
a.m. 13 hours . . . go figure!

My lucky numbers stem from
three . . . sooooo my guy says, 
"crazy times, crazy time, why
don't you open the Moon Wine
one of your sisters gifted you?!"

We do so at exactly 3:33 a.m.
and discover that the wine is
actually BLACK MOON. So

So like being retried . . . and
sooooo love me some weird!

Pray send more suggestions!


Aug 15, 2024


Old friends, so fun . . .

Yesterday, enjoyed the hell
out of fellow teachers from
pre-retirement days.

So fun to catch up period . . .
also enjoy cross referencing
about the bits and pieces we
of old students, as well as 
fellow teachers.

On a note of sorrow, we just
lost one of our own this past
week. Bottom line, now that
we're in our 70ies, methinks
there is naught for it. We will
continue to decimate. 

Rather hoping heaven really
exists and we get to continue
our famous teacher antics en

An afterthought, we are all so
lucky to be alive. We should
celebrate daily. Spend quality
time with our fams and friends,
and truly live rather than exist.

So here's to however many
days we have left and hoping
we have the wherewithal to
share and enjoy every moment!


Aug 14, 2024


"Your biggest enemy is 
your uncontrolled mind!"
Wild Woman Sisterhood

A sleepless night, a tad cold,
and I run into this quote . . .


Rather embarrasses me to
think that I'm nigh onto 75
and still not in control of my
mind! Or, is it possible to
have control over one's mind
when asleep?

I can't help but wonder . . .
Just how in control are we of
anything?! Rather boils down
to the age old quandaries . . .
"live or exist, accept or fight,
go or stay, walk or run?!"

Yes, we do have choices and
yes, we do make them. We
make them, indeed! And we 
live w/the cost of our choices.

But, I can't help but wonder 
if indeed we're even paying
attention whilst living out said

We're so busy living, running
those pesky errands that fall
under the category of living,
that I'm not certain awareness
is even an option?!

Who was it that said, "slow
down and live?!" I sooooo
need to follow this advice!

Aug 13, 2024


"It is a serious thing just to be
alive on this fresh morning in
this broken world." ~M. Oliver

My shero, Mary Oliver, once
again reminds me of what is

I tend to forget as I see the
speeding cars and trucks pass.
I do forget when I see a mother
strike her child viciously about
the face or a father kick his own.
I often forget with no sky visible,
clouded in with smoke and smog.

Mary reminds me that there is
still morning dew. There are still
dandelions greeting me in all
their sweet beauty. Stones that I
have collected and love so well
stand at the ready to be moved
yet once again.

Not to forget my sweet cabin,
housing lover, family and friends.

Goddess help me, may I ever
recall beauty over ugly, sweet
over sour, and love over hate . . .

 - - -

*Mary Oliver, beloved poet and 
bard of the natural world, died
on January 17, 2019 at home in
Hobe Sound, Florida. She was 83.

Aug 12, 2024


"Life shrinks or expands in
proportion to one's courage."
~Anaís Nin

I've been thinking of this in
terms of age and aging. I can
remember doing things back
in the day with no thought

For example, dad would call
and say he missed me and I
would hop in the car and four
hours later I'd be hugging him.
Alas today, I think a great deal
before making this trip.

Driving an hour and a half to
school and home, never gave
it a thought. Now it seems I
don't want to go places that
takes over 20 minutes to get

Perhaps, this is more about
diminishing actions along
with diminishing age. I do
know that I'm content . . .

. . . in my tiny cabin, family
and friends visiting, sitting
under our fave tree even 
when it's raining, watching
deer and elk in the yard.

What a life!

My husband used to say, "It
don't pay to think too much."
Not sure where he got these
words of wisdom, but they
deserve thinking about . . . 


Aug 11, 2024


"I think the older I get, the 
more I realize that the ultimate
luxury is time." ~Michael Kors

This came to me as yesterday
was spent in the company of
friends. Priceless friends!

We sat under our fave tree, 
sharing a few brewskis and
tales out of school. Catching
up; nothing like it!

Just didn't feel like leaving
this bit of paradise, so pizza
it 'twas! God, my guy is a
fab cook!

Methinks dessert was staying
on a bit, a few more sharings,
those last bits of laughter and
lamenting that the day had to

I was the first to cave . . . not
a 100 years old for naught!
Bet I was asleep by 5:30 and
put in a dozen hours.

I feel revived, rejuved, rather
reincarnated, if you will. 

Friends . . . and the time spent
with them . . . what a gift!

Aug 10, 2024


"Play in the river, walk barefoot
on the sand, dance under the
moon, sleep under the stars, and
you'll likely find that very little
is needed to live a happy life."
~Brooke Hampton

Very fortunate for me to have been
reared by parents who believed in
a simple life, lots of outdoor time
and no TV. *Actually, didn't get 
my first TV 'til I had been married 
10 years. Go figure!

My fam took rides, had picnics,
went camping, built canoes and
cabin cruisers, had family dinner
and prayer circles.

Looking back, can't even imagine
how I was so lucky to have been
given such an amazing childhood!
Of course, it was hard with my
little bro being blind and special.
But, we loved and we coped.

In a world spent in acquisition
for the major part of life and 
finally ridding out and cutting
down in the end, I find fond
memories of a family who 
needed to do neither.

Just have to watch and see how
I do my last bit! Hope it is . . .
I N T E R E S T I N G !!!

Aug 9, 2024


When I came back to the US
with my children after 20 
years in Mexico, I was so
fortunate to teach in Adams 14.

I would have to say, there was
a closeness 'mongst the teachers
that was both sweet and rare.

Today, we say goodbye to
Paul Garcia, one of my favest
teachers of all time. It just
breaks my heart that he had
to go so soon.

I keep forgetting that we aren't
young any more. Turning 75
might just be the reminder I
need that we oldsters are aging.

So, in bidding Paul adieu, I
pray none join him any time
soon. We need to stay a while
longer . . .

Paul, hoping you're off to great
adventures. You're most deserving
and well remembered!

Aug 8, 2024


"At the end of the day, 
we all just want to be home,
whether it's a place, a person,
or a feeling."
Wild Woman Sisterhood

Actually, I was commenting
on this to my guy as we sat
outside enjoying a pre-rain

I realize on some level that  
I've turned every place I've
lived into a home. How lovely
then, to live in a 145 year old
cabin at the end of my days.

It's sandwiched between the
forest and modern day traffic.
Still, albeit tiny, 'tis true home
where I spend time with my
man and enjoy every moment.

Our fams and friends are home
as well. 'Tis such a comfort
spending time in the company
of those who make you feel
well loved, cared for, even 

I am grateful beyond the pale
for this my home, my family
and my friends . . .

Blessed be, ld

Aug 7, 2024


"Quiet warrior
don't lose who you are,
you have the ability
to move mountains
with your stillness."
~janine tamis

Methinks I want to be 
Janine when I grow up; 
sooooo not kidding!

Not quite sure why I love 
this so much! I'm not
particularly quiet. Alas, I
can't move mountains and
not much stillness to moi.

Still, this resonates on a
level I can't quite explain. 
Might be that I need to
aspire to this rather than
think I'm already there.

Bottom line, this is who I
want to be when I grow up.

Think I'll just allow myself
to be inspired and get on
with making the effort to 
grow up!

Aug 6, 2024


"Note to the empath: observe,
don't absorb." ~Unknown

Sound, sound advice . . . 
but, how on earth does one 
learn to do this?!

I listen with all my heart, as
it is my heart that goes out 
to a friend in need. But, I so 
feel the pain; don't seem to 
be able to let it go.

Almost as if I thought letting
go of the pain myself, would
negate any healing for my

I know I'd like to learn how
before I pass on to the better

Actually, in thinking about it,
it occurs to me that personal
growth is simply painful.

Perhaps the answer is, accept
it! There is ever and always a
cost and if pain is the cost of
personal growth, maybe one
simply needs to feel it!

Aug 5, 2024


Only five days in and I'm
loving August!

First, there's that whole
celebration of Lughnasadh
if you're Pagan or Lammas
if you're Christian.

Then, there's the fab weather,
no other particular holidays
to celebrate.

I find myself drawn to sitting
outside, with or w/o a marg
in hand . . . just enjoying. 

Then the rain comes. There
are times I just like to sit on
the porch and watch.

I'm headed out now. Hey,
mimosas aren't considered
drinking early in the day, 
right?! Just kidding!

Come on over and we'll see
what's what!

Aug 4, 2024


Bless you for asking 
about our Lughnasadh 
celebration yesterday.

A dozen of us got together
and honored Lugh and the
month of August.

As I no longer drive due to
Petite Mal Seizures, sisters
come to me for this holiday
every summer. I so love it!

I especially love the part of
sitting in circle and sharing
bits of wisdom. I learn some-
thing I'd never though about
each time!

Of course, the picnic is great
fun too; I always start with

Let's raise our glasses to
August and enjoy this last
bit of summer heat . . .

Aug 3, 2024


"The day will come when what
is ethical matters more than what
is profitable." ~Rumi

Somewhere 'twixt and 'tween the
upcoming election and the forest
fires we're experiencing, I believe
this message is finally touching
our hearts and minds.

Alas, I have this horrendous feeling
that busy, busy, busy has excelled
over the ethical. Completely natural!

We're driving, getting to our jobs,
working to bring home the bacon,
and trying to rear our children.
Frankly, there's precious little time
to indulge in anything else.

We even hurry to enjoy our fun
time. Bears thinking about . . .

 - - -

Rumi was a 13th century Persian
poet, Islamic scholar, Maturdi
theologian, Sufi mystic, originally
from the Greater Iran. 1207 - 1273

Aug 2, 2024


Trying to think positive here . . .

Is it the morning of the day 
after or is it the morning 
of the day before?

Sooooo enjoyed Lughnasadh
eve and the actual day as well.
Really didn't wish for it to end.

So, I availed myself of wisdom
from on high . . . otherwise
known as the Internet . . . and
found the below quote.

Rather like the idea of funning
for an entire month! Hoist your
glasses with whatever . . . for
moi, 'tis buttermilk . . . and let's
simply August it for another 30

 - - -

Every year on the Sunday
closest to August 1, the
Celtic festival Lughnasadh
kicks off the harvest season.
The festival also marks the
beginning of autumn and
traditionally lasts for one 
National Day Calendar

Aug 1, 2024


I can't believe it . . . First day 
of August, Lughnasadh, and 
the full Sturgeon Moon in all 
its glory! Wow!! Just WOW!!!

Can hardly wait to see what
this day will bring. Still need
to learn to slow down and
simply enjoy.

'Tis hot and sunny, which 
makes me think of sitting
outside all day . . . maybe
even enjoying a couple of 

Sooooo love summer, the
heat, the sun. Rather restores
my soul. Add in all the lovely
happenings of today, and it's 
above and beyond . . .

Happy August! Have a fulsome
Lughnasadh!! Enjoy the full
Sturgeon Moon!!!

 - - -

"The Full Moon in August is
named after North America's
largest fist, the sturgeon. Other
names for this Full Moon include
Grain Moon, Corn Moon, Lynx
Moon, and Lightning Moon."