Sep 29, 2022


Sooooo loving me today . . .

It all began with breakfast with
a bestie from far, far way and
continued with sitting by the
fire with my guy!

There are times I fear just how
much I love fire . . . and it's not
even my element. Strange how
fire can bring joy and heat as
well as destruction and sorrow!

I would say that in wintertime,
fire literally saves my life. As 
I suffer from SAD, Seasonal
Affective Disorder, fire is my
all time go to.

It's rather like the universe
reaches out and embraces me
with its warmth and beauty.
I look into its charm and see
images long gone from my

I can see my father sitting
in the rocker next to me with
his wisdom and advice. My
brother assures me he's in a
better place and my mother
seems to be content to be
rejoined with her nucleus.

God only knows when my
time will come, but I pray I
may be sitting by the fire,
sharing the moment with my
beloveds . . .

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