Sep 15, 2022


One of the most fun memories
of my childhood . . . camping!

I so remember those ghastly 
army tents. Seemed to take 
loads of time to put them up,
and by then, tempers were

Mom's rule of thumb was, 
"She reigned at home and dad
reigned whilst camping." So,
he drove, put up the tent, built
the fire and cooked supper in
the dark.

I suspect dad loved camping
and mom put a good face on
it, but it wasn't her cup of tea.

Back then, we had blow up
air mattresses. They usually
lasted a couple of hours and
then flattened for the rest of
the night. We also had army
sleeping bags . . . not comfy.

During the night, no fire of
course, chilly in the dark as
well as freezing and starving 
by breakfast. Dad would try
his hand at pancakes, slightly
burned on the outside and
slightly raw on the inside.
Not quite sure why we liked
them so much.

We always went on hikes
and dad took lots of pics.
I still look at them, tiny
things, black and white.

I do rather thank the gods
for my little travel trailer,
easier, more practical and
comfortable . . . and yet, 
my childhood camping 
experiences . . .some of my 
most precious memories!

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