Sep 24, 2022


One of the things that helps
get me out of my dark day 
doldrums is decorating my
dining room table.

Any excuse will do . . . the
seasons, sabbats, new moons,
full moons; all good. I've
collected seasonal decor ever
since I came back to the states
30 years ago. Methinks 'tis why
God invented garage sales, right!

It's so inviting to walk into the
room and see the table. The
only problem is, it's so pretty
I don't want anyone to sit there
and mess it up. Go figure!

Still, it gives me something
special to do every few weeks
and I enjoy doing it. Per a 
good idea, I've decorated for

Still, Halloween lurks in my 
mind, inviting me to get on 
with those fun, dark Halloween
bits and pieces. Sooooo love it;
rather makes up for the bad
weather we'll be having.

And not to forget; wondrous,
lovely, glorious fires in the
fireplace . . . heals my soul!

stop pouting woman
autumn may be a good thing
may as well enjoy

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