Sep 19, 2022


Harking back to days of
yesteryear, sooooo loved
me some travel!

Think I liked Asia best with 
the British colonies being a
close second. Also enjoyed
places closer to home . . .
Utah was always a fave.

And now that I'm about a
hundred years old, I find
closer to home just as
enjoyable, if not more.

'Twas a good day the day
I bought the travel trailer.
I simply love climbing into
the pickup and going to see
the kids. Gives us some
privacy and they don't have
to interrupt their own lives
and schedules to house us.

Part of me asks, "Which
was better? Which did I like
best?" And maybe, each was
best in the time in which it

Not quite sure what our
upcoming days will hold,
but I imagine we'll keep
on visiting our children as
well as making trips closer
to home.

Any suggestions?

gotta love travel
may we entice you join us 
close or far away

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