Sep 6, 2022

09/06/2022 - Mole lovers ahoy . . .

So love me some summer
mole . . .

I look forward to that time
just before summer's end
and autumn's beginning . . .
There is a plethora of chiles 
of all different types from
all different countries that
come to fruition.

Methinks 'tis mole calling
my name! I get out my past
recipes. Get into my six wall
spice cabinets. Pick, choose;
the mouth watering begins.

The first of three days is spent
stemming, seeding and shaking
the dried chiles. After hours of
burning hands and teary eyes,
the chiles go in water to spend
the night.

On the second of three days, 
the chiles are slow boiled for
several hours and allowed to

Finally the third, bundle after
bundle of softened chiles are
blended in some of the water
they were boiled in. Put through
a strainer, remains are blended
yet another two times.

At the end of the day, a couple
of gallons of pure chile sauce
are put to boil. Now comes the
fun part . . . adding in anywhere
from 40 to 90 different herbs
and spices. Bits and pieces into
the pot, a stir and a taste.

At last, there's a moment, that
final moment when perfection
is reached. And thus begins the
prepping of glorious foods that
love mole, sharing with friends,
even freezing some for future

Did I say even say just how 
much I love mole?

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