Sep 7, 2022


What is it about a book?

I love the heft of a good book.
I like the scent, the intrigue 
of the title, the recognition 
of the author's name. And, 
not to forget the anticipation
accompanying that whole
waiting game!

Perhaps learning to read is
the greatest gift ever given.
Gateway into unknown worlds,
it's the awakening of the mind,
body and soul to possibilities
hitherto unknown.

I am ever grateful for those
talking books sent to us weekly
so my blind brother could read.
I am thankful to my parents for
reading aloud to us each evening. 
And, they modeled the joy that
accompanies silent reading. 

I am well pleased at the efforts
made to get me books from the
library each week. I owe a debt 
of gratitude to Virginia Lemons
for driving us to the library on a
regular basis. She gifted us with
possibilities unattainable in any
other way.

Pure magic to be able to listen
to a book whilst traveling, make
no mistake. Modern techniques
have made so many reading 
scenarios possible. Still, give 
me my own glorious library
any day of the week!

ive said it before
libraries taste of heaven
will say it again

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