Sep 18, 2022


Been thinking that there are
three types of cold . . .

Obviously, there's Winter cold
and that's to be expected. A
time for long janes, double
sweaters, warm coats, boots
and hats. And if you're moi,
that could mean some tears
as well!

Then there's camping cold
and trust me, there's nothing 
at all quite like camping cold.
obviously, you've done all
the planning in the heat of
summer and home. And then,
you drive up, and I mean up,
and all of a sudden you know
the true meaning of camping

Double everything . . . socks,
pants, shirts, jackets, and 
although you're hoping double
or nothing will save the day,
it doesn't quite. Campfires
help, but don't quite do the 
job. I've found the answer to
be in six blankets and a warm
body cuddled up next to you.

The cold that both saddens
and terrifies me, is spiritual
cold. We live in such a fast
paced world. Professional
runners have nothing on us
making that supreme effort
to cope on a daily basis.

By the time you've picked up
the house, done some cooking,
run to town for errands and
coped with all the unexpected,
there's precious little time to
even think about taking care
of your spiritual needs.

And this is important, make
no mistake. I truly believe
that whatever path you follow
is right for you and doesn't
merit criticism. No one has
the right to say what's right
for you, only you do. Still, if
something doesn't fit in a day's
show and tell; it always seems 
to be time for our spiritual

And speaking of endeavors, I
am going to endeavor to make
a change. Being nigh onto a
hundred years old, high time
(and maybe only a little time)
to correct this. My daily new
year's resolution from here
on out!!!

its all about change
calling on my better self
better tomorrow

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