Sep 18, 2022


Sooooo love me a good book!
And in today's world, there
are all manners of ways to

Thinking of the quite amazing
electronic books . . . I have 
to say, the whole being able
to make the lettering bigger,
having the pages back lit so
you can read in bed without
bothering your partner . . .
all phenom assets.

As my baby bro was blind, I 
actually grew up with what
was called, Talking Books.
The family would gather in
the living room of an evening
and we'd all listen to a given
segment together.

I have to laugh; now they 
exist in CD form and you can
listen to them any time, any
where. You don't even have
to belong to the Association
for the Deaf and Blind.

Still bottom line, I simply love
books. The heft of them, that
odd book scent, the texture of
the pages and some of them
even have pictures; go figure!

I get to thinking how
absolutely wondrous it is to
be able to read. Truly a gift
given. I find myself blessing
those who taught me when
I was just a little lass. Simply 
can't say enough about the 
joy a good book brings . . .

gift me a good read
almost no greater blessing
what do you suggest

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