Sep 25, 2022


Let's talk drinks . . .

I so enjoy drinking! I try to
keep it to two times a week
although it's often three. I
had my first drink at 37 as I
didn't wish to indulge during
child rearing per se.

I had a beer first and liked it
right away. I've heard that it's
unusual. Love red wine, like
white and loathe, hate, despise,
abhor rosé. In fact, I dislike it
so much, I often refer to it as

I probably love red because
as a vintner, my father made
several reds each year, from
his own grapes, I might add.
This was back in the day, but
even then, his wines were
evaluated at $30.00 a bottle
here in Denver. So proud of

Bottom line, I enjoy drinking,
as I first stated. So, to make
certain I don't become too
attached, I fast three months
out of the year. January, May
and September. 

Confession time . . . I am
looking forward to October
first. In fact, I've invited my
daughters for a Daughters
Only Champagne Brunch!

Me thinks we'll have a ball
and they'll see to it that I

raise your glasses please
a toast to all my daughters
yes lets misbehave

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