Sep 26, 2022


Empty house syndrome . . .

So love it when the kids
come home. Like cooking 
for them, enjoying every 
moment. Wouldn't  even 
hear of them doing the 
dishes . . . and yet, when 
they were kids, demanded 
it! Go figure!

Get a kick out of telling
tales out of school, as it
were. That whole, "Mom,
do you remember? Did
you know?" thing. Some
I did and chose to ignore.
Others, not a clue. Kids!

There is naught quite like
seeing and enjoying one's
kids as adults. Seeing who
they chose to become, the
values they honor, beliefs
they follow. Truly, I think
I'm the luckiest mom in
the entire universe. Most
moms probably feel the
same way.

I look at the wrap up time,
"Sorry mom, gotta go. 
Have stuff that's gotta get
done. Want to make it 'fore
dark." Kiss, kiss, good bye.
I'm caught 'twixt the adios
and the longing for them to
stay. Feel those pesky tears
coming on.

Methinks 'tis one's adult
children that is truly the 
prize at the end of the day.
You know you did the best
you could as a parent and
you hold that proof in your
own arms. 

God in heaven, I am one
fucking lucky woman!!!
Probably shouldn't use 
those two words in the 
same sentence . . .

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