Sep 3, 2022


How many things can you fit
in a day? Frankly, sometimes 
it boggles the mind . . .

Awoke in anticipation, broke
the fast in sharing and chat.
Already looking forward to
the next time . . .

Traveled on and indulged in
x-mas prep. We are in Dec
after all, right?! Errands to
run and people to please . . .

An unexpected luncheon,
quick and dirty sharing, as 
it were. Can hardly wait for
afters . . .

A working p.m. What is it
said about good intentions?
Eating yet again, but at least
avoiding imbibing  Just call
me Saint Whatever . . .

Rest at last, but may it not be
eternal! Waking up is the best
of sleep, after all! Can't help
but wonder what the morrow
has on the docket . . .

     just get on with it
     the difference of a day 
     hopes and dreams await

An afterthought . . .
a day ending in great news 
is a day like no other!!!

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