Sep 3, 2022


Such exciting times . . .

Last night I received the news;
I am to be a great grandmother!
The elation made me feel rather
over the moon, giddy as a kid at

I'm laying in bed simply smiling
to myself; couldn't stop for love
nor money, as the saying goes.
And, I was reminded . . .

I cast my mind back to the day I
told my parents we were expecting
their first grandchild. We lived in
a land far, far away and alas, had 
no telephone. 

I remember asking a neighbor
if I could borrow their phone in
the evening; cheaper back then.
I baked a pan of fresh muffins to 
thank them and went on over to 
make the call.

The fun part was they overheard
me and of course were ever so
happy for us. The downside might
have been that the entire college
then knew before breakfast. Good
news travels just as fast as bad!

Can't help but think about that
magic moment when my own
daughter told me I was soon to 
be a grandmother. The myriad 
of emotions I felt was like bask-
ing in the beauty of a double 

And now I find I am to be given
the gift of being a great grand!
Feeling ever so blest . . . 

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