Sep 19, 2022


Entered li'l Miss Missy mode
at o'dark thirty this a.m. and
begged to return home. Almost
didn't quite make it . . . 

Nigh onto empty, coasted for a 
few, right into a gas station off 
the highway still a bit from home. 

Alas, 'twas $4.98 a gal, but I 
don't think I would have cared 
if it had been ten a gallon . . . 
would've even washed dishes 
if necessary . . . not that there
were any dishes, dirty or

Methinks I aged a plenty on
the way to my own little bit
of paradise! Wonder if I could
have another gas tank installed.
Or, I suppose I could fill up
before leaving. Now, there's 
an idea!

Sometimes, I surprise myself
with my own absurdities and
funny notions. I was going nuts
wishing to be home and every
thing seemed to conspire to
make me more nervous.

Really need to lose those pesky
nerves, stop worrying and learn
to live in the moment. Wonder
if there's even a pill for that?!

somethings wrong with me
so coming out of my skin
needs get my head straight

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