Sep 27, 2022


I'm like a little kid all excited
that Halloween is coming . . .
But, that ain't the half of what
October is all about! October
is mine!! It belongs to moi!!!

I love sending out e-cards and
snail-mail the first of every
month, but especially October.
Can hardly wait for Daughter's
Only Brunch at the beginning
of the month.

So enjoy celebrating anything
October has to offer with my
friends and neighbors. Methinks
they get a kick out of it as well.

Much fun putting together my
otherwise imagined Christmas
packages. And just to mix every
thing up, I do x-mas in October
rather than Christmas in July.
Why not?! Everyone else does
December and not a good time
to travel per se!!!

So, peek at my kitchen table;
lunch bags, x-mas coffee cups,
little mugs of ale,  and other
gifts. Just love all of these little

Most wondrous to celebrate
anything and everything, but
October simply R O C K S !!!

just shy of my birth
find myself hardly waiting
how old did we say

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