Sep 30, 2022


"Thirty days hath September . . . "
~Richard Grafton, 1562

I have to remember not to get
ahead of myself, enjoy today!
October will still be there on
the morrow!

Heard a rumor we're going to
be in the 70's today so I fully
intend to get some outdoor
time. It's interesting to look
around and actually see Fall
happening right in front of us.

A lot of my friends consider
Autumn their favorite season.
I spent yesterday decorating
for Fall, Halloween, birthdays,
so I actually get it. Must be
that whole not too cold, not 
too hot thing!
Methinks margs may not have
been invented for Summer after
all and I haven't had any for a
month of Sundays . . . high time!

Swear I'm going to get myself
in gear and enjoy this season
even if I freeze to death doing

cool is in the air
where oh where is my summer
put on a brave face

Sep 29, 2022


Sooooo loving me today . . .

It all began with breakfast with
a bestie from far, far way and
continued with sitting by the
fire with my guy!

There are times I fear just how
much I love fire . . . and it's not
even my element. Strange how
fire can bring joy and heat as
well as destruction and sorrow!

I would say that in wintertime,
fire literally saves my life. As 
I suffer from SAD, Seasonal
Affective Disorder, fire is my
all time go to.

It's rather like the universe
reaches out and embraces me
with its warmth and beauty.
I look into its charm and see
images long gone from my

I can see my father sitting
in the rocker next to me with
his wisdom and advice. My
brother assures me he's in a
better place and my mother
seems to be content to be
rejoined with her nucleus.

God only knows when my
time will come, but I pray I
may be sitting by the fire,
sharing the moment with my
beloveds . . .

Sep 27, 2022


I'm like a little kid all excited
that Halloween is coming . . .
But, that ain't the half of what
October is all about! October
is mine!! It belongs to moi!!!

I love sending out e-cards and
snail-mail the first of every
month, but especially October.
Can hardly wait for Daughter's
Only Brunch at the beginning
of the month.

So enjoy celebrating anything
October has to offer with my
friends and neighbors. Methinks
they get a kick out of it as well.

Much fun putting together my
otherwise imagined Christmas
packages. And just to mix every
thing up, I do x-mas in October
rather than Christmas in July.
Why not?! Everyone else does
December and not a good time
to travel per se!!!

So, peek at my kitchen table;
lunch bags, x-mas coffee cups,
little mugs of ale,  and other
gifts. Just love all of these little

Most wondrous to celebrate
anything and everything, but
October simply R O C K S !!!

just shy of my birth
find myself hardly waiting
how old did we say


"Coffee, tea or me?"
~Donald Bain

Fun book, cute title and read
it only about a hundred years 
ago. Still, rather reminds me 
of how much I love coffee, 
like tea and even fancy my 
own soul from time to time.

So enjoy indulging in the real
McCoy from time to time, but
the price it too high, what with
not being able to sleep nights.

But, tea is an entirely different
thing. The English backstory, 
the pretty cups, the steeping in
a Brown Betty, honey and or 
cream, all such fun!

I was raised on tea actually, 
as my parents weren't coffee 
drinkers. Still, I don't remember
any particular pots. Might be
the reason I collect Brown Bettys.
I have them in three sizes and
nigh onto a dozen.

Methinks tea just doesn't taste
the same if it's not brewed in 
a Brown Betty and drunk in a
proper tea cup.

Join me?

Sep 26, 2022


Empty house syndrome . . .

So love it when the kids
come home. Like cooking 
for them, enjoying every 
moment. Wouldn't  even 
hear of them doing the 
dishes . . . and yet, when 
they were kids, demanded 
it! Go figure!

Get a kick out of telling
tales out of school, as it
were. That whole, "Mom,
do you remember? Did
you know?" thing. Some
I did and chose to ignore.
Others, not a clue. Kids!

There is naught quite like
seeing and enjoying one's
kids as adults. Seeing who
they chose to become, the
values they honor, beliefs
they follow. Truly, I think
I'm the luckiest mom in
the entire universe. Most
moms probably feel the
same way.

I look at the wrap up time,
"Sorry mom, gotta go. 
Have stuff that's gotta get
done. Want to make it 'fore
dark." Kiss, kiss, good bye.
I'm caught 'twixt the adios
and the longing for them to
stay. Feel those pesky tears
coming on.

Methinks 'tis one's adult
children that is truly the 
prize at the end of the day.
You know you did the best
you could as a parent and
you hold that proof in your
own arms. 

God in heaven, I am one
fucking lucky woman!!!
Probably shouldn't use 
those two words in the 
same sentence . . .

Sep 25, 2022


Let's talk drinks . . .

I so enjoy drinking! I try to
keep it to two times a week
although it's often three. I
had my first drink at 37 as I
didn't wish to indulge during
child rearing per se.

I had a beer first and liked it
right away. I've heard that it's
unusual. Love red wine, like
white and loathe, hate, despise,
abhor rosé. In fact, I dislike it
so much, I often refer to it as

I probably love red because
as a vintner, my father made
several reds each year, from
his own grapes, I might add.
This was back in the day, but
even then, his wines were
evaluated at $30.00 a bottle
here in Denver. So proud of

Bottom line, I enjoy drinking,
as I first stated. So, to make
certain I don't become too
attached, I fast three months
out of the year. January, May
and September. 

Confession time . . . I am
looking forward to October
first. In fact, I've invited my
daughters for a Daughters
Only Champagne Brunch!

Me thinks we'll have a ball
and they'll see to it that I

raise your glasses please
a toast to all my daughters
yes lets misbehave

Sep 24, 2022


One of the things that helps
get me out of my dark day 
doldrums is decorating my
dining room table.

Any excuse will do . . . the
seasons, sabbats, new moons,
full moons; all good. I've
collected seasonal decor ever
since I came back to the states
30 years ago. Methinks 'tis why
God invented garage sales, right!

It's so inviting to walk into the
room and see the table. The
only problem is, it's so pretty
I don't want anyone to sit there
and mess it up. Go figure!

Still, it gives me something
special to do every few weeks
and I enjoy doing it. Per a 
good idea, I've decorated for

Still, Halloween lurks in my 
mind, inviting me to get on 
with those fun, dark Halloween
bits and pieces. Sooooo love it;
rather makes up for the bad
weather we'll be having.

And not to forget; wondrous,
lovely, glorious fires in the
fireplace . . . heals my soul!

stop pouting woman
autumn may be a good thing
may as well enjoy

Sep 23, 2022


"It's okay if you fall down
and lose your spark. Just
make sure that when you
get back up, you rise as
the whole damn fire."
~Colette Werden

Alas, 'tis morning of the day 
after . . .

Now, it's time for me to suss
out how I wish to spend my
Autumn days, the things I
want to do and accomplish.

I still want to enjoy outside
as much as possible. I love
drives up in the mountains
to enjoy the fall colors. I'd
like to collect a few short
branches to decorate my

I want to see our kids at least 
once or twice before winter.
That's the most important bit;
make no mistake. How I miss
them in winter, so I see fall as
the Last Chance Saloon, as it

The things I enjoy during the
fall are the few warm days. I
love the entirety of October;
the full moon, birthdays, 
Samhain (Halloween to you).

I swear I'm going to enjoy
autumn even if it kills me.
Could we just skip winter?

fall alive and well
so missing my summer warmth
lets just skip winter

Sep 22, 2022

09/22/2022 - Mabon, 1st day of Autumn

"Autumn has arrived.

I hear it in the whispering of leaves.
I feel the nights stretching away
thousands long behind the days
'til they reach the darkness where
all of me is ancestor." ~Anjana

Autumn Equinox has finally
arrived. It usually hits the 
21st, but this year, the 22nd.

At o' dark thirty, my guy built 
a fire to celebrate. A friend is
coming for a class and brunch
later on . . . so much fun! Can't 
help but wonder what the day 
will bring.

I'd the the first to admit, the 
arrival of Fall represents the
oncoming cold for me. And,
'tis true . . . both yesterday
and today, 50 degrees. I find
I'm already longing for sun,
but I'll try to behave and 
enjoy the now.

I look forward to Autumn
leaves on my dining table,
drives up the mountains,
color galore, and trying to
enjoy each and every day
prior to the onset of cold
and snow.

"I miss you most of all,
When autumn leaves start to fall."
~Johnny Mercer, Jacques Prévert

Sep 21, 2022

09/21/2022 - Last Day of Summer

"Lions and tigers and bears,
oh my!" Wizard of Oz

Today we bid adieu to my fave
season . . . 

I so love the sun in full bloom
and the warmth it brings to body
heart and soul. We're fortunate
that we live in a town where it
rarely gets into the 90's. We get
to enjoy the season without too
much of a good thing!

I would be the first to admit that
Autumn has much to offer in the
way of joy as well. For me, it's
that we still have an entire season
prior to Dread Pirate Winter.

Fall brings the gift of October
along with my two fave holidays,
my birthday and Samhain . . . or
Halloween in its more common
vernacular. I love that I've been
allotted another year of life and
get to celebrate it with fun decor,
visits from friends, fire and fave

I get a kick out of my 130 year
old cabin dressed up in the dreary
of the dead. The cobwebs come
with the place, but the witches,
black and orange, I spellcast

Bottom line, October belongs to
moi, though I may be so inclined
to share a bit of it with you. Come
on over and spend a bit of scary
with me. We can raise a smoky
glass or two and enjoy the season.

adieu mister sun
so love me some dark hallows
hoist a glass of smoke

Sep 19, 2022


Entered li'l Miss Missy mode
at o'dark thirty this a.m. and
begged to return home. Almost
didn't quite make it . . . 

Nigh onto empty, coasted for a 
few, right into a gas station off 
the highway still a bit from home. 

Alas, 'twas $4.98 a gal, but I 
don't think I would have cared 
if it had been ten a gallon . . . 
would've even washed dishes 
if necessary . . . not that there
were any dishes, dirty or

Methinks I aged a plenty on
the way to my own little bit
of paradise! Wonder if I could
have another gas tank installed.
Or, I suppose I could fill up
before leaving. Now, there's 
an idea!

Sometimes, I surprise myself
with my own absurdities and
funny notions. I was going nuts
wishing to be home and every
thing seemed to conspire to
make me more nervous.

Really need to lose those pesky
nerves, stop worrying and learn
to live in the moment. Wonder
if there's even a pill for that?!

somethings wrong with me
so coming out of my skin
needs get my head straight


Harking back to days of
yesteryear, sooooo loved
me some travel!

Think I liked Asia best with 
the British colonies being a
close second. Also enjoyed
places closer to home . . .
Utah was always a fave.

And now that I'm about a
hundred years old, I find
closer to home just as
enjoyable, if not more.

'Twas a good day the day
I bought the travel trailer.
I simply love climbing into
the pickup and going to see
the kids. Gives us some
privacy and they don't have
to interrupt their own lives
and schedules to house us.

Part of me asks, "Which
was better? Which did I like
best?" And maybe, each was
best in the time in which it

Not quite sure what our
upcoming days will hold,
but I imagine we'll keep
on visiting our children as
well as making trips closer
to home.

Any suggestions?

gotta love travel
may we entice you join us 
close or far away

Sep 18, 2022


Sooooo love me a good book!
And in today's world, there
are all manners of ways to

Thinking of the quite amazing
electronic books . . . I have 
to say, the whole being able
to make the lettering bigger,
having the pages back lit so
you can read in bed without
bothering your partner . . .
all phenom assets.

As my baby bro was blind, I 
actually grew up with what
was called, Talking Books.
The family would gather in
the living room of an evening
and we'd all listen to a given
segment together.

I have to laugh; now they 
exist in CD form and you can
listen to them any time, any
where. You don't even have
to belong to the Association
for the Deaf and Blind.

Still bottom line, I simply love
books. The heft of them, that
odd book scent, the texture of
the pages and some of them
even have pictures; go figure!

I get to thinking how
absolutely wondrous it is to
be able to read. Truly a gift
given. I find myself blessing
those who taught me when
I was just a little lass. Simply 
can't say enough about the 
joy a good book brings . . .

gift me a good read
almost no greater blessing
what do you suggest


Contemplating here . . .
do differences truly matter?

Looking at the variations in
families; Christian, Pagan or
naught, gay or straight, rich
or poor, white, black or other,
professional or mainstream,
and all I can think of . . .
it all makes for interesting.

Can't help but wonder why
the hell do we get all wrapped
up in people's similarities when
it's the differences that are so
damn interesting! Same song,
second verse . . . boring!

I take the odd peek or two
at my life of yesteryear and
I find that what stays in my
mind are all of those glorious
eccentrics in my life. The odd
professor, the challenging
roommate, those amazing
conversations with that left
winger, the modes of dress
of women I much admire.
Exactly who I want to be
when I grow up!

Then, I try to bring up those
cookie cutter people I've dealt
with over my lifetime. Some
of them are sweet, sweet gals.
Others could be quite critical
of the likes of moi. Yet these
mainstreamers make up the
world that surrounds us.

I believe many like it that way.
Others may not even have
realized their same ole, same
ole. I do know we need them
in our lives and we should be
as accepting of them as we'd
like for them to be of us.

Nonetheless, guess I'm stuck
with that odd me; good thing
it makes me happy!


Been thinking that there are
three types of cold . . .

Obviously, there's Winter cold
and that's to be expected. A
time for long janes, double
sweaters, warm coats, boots
and hats. And if you're moi,
that could mean some tears
as well!

Then there's camping cold
and trust me, there's nothing 
at all quite like camping cold.
obviously, you've done all
the planning in the heat of
summer and home. And then,
you drive up, and I mean up,
and all of a sudden you know
the true meaning of camping

Double everything . . . socks,
pants, shirts, jackets, and 
although you're hoping double
or nothing will save the day,
it doesn't quite. Campfires
help, but don't quite do the 
job. I've found the answer to
be in six blankets and a warm
body cuddled up next to you.

The cold that both saddens
and terrifies me, is spiritual
cold. We live in such a fast
paced world. Professional
runners have nothing on us
making that supreme effort
to cope on a daily basis.

By the time you've picked up
the house, done some cooking,
run to town for errands and
coped with all the unexpected,
there's precious little time to
even think about taking care
of your spiritual needs.

And this is important, make
no mistake. I truly believe
that whatever path you follow
is right for you and doesn't
merit criticism. No one has
the right to say what's right
for you, only you do. Still, if
something doesn't fit in a day's
show and tell; it always seems 
to be time for our spiritual

And speaking of endeavors, I
am going to endeavor to make
a change. Being nigh onto a
hundred years old, high time
(and maybe only a little time)
to correct this. My daily new
year's resolution from here
on out!!!

its all about change
calling on my better self
better tomorrow

Sep 15, 2022


One of the most fun memories
of my childhood . . . camping!

I so remember those ghastly 
army tents. Seemed to take 
loads of time to put them up,
and by then, tempers were

Mom's rule of thumb was, 
"She reigned at home and dad
reigned whilst camping." So,
he drove, put up the tent, built
the fire and cooked supper in
the dark.

I suspect dad loved camping
and mom put a good face on
it, but it wasn't her cup of tea.

Back then, we had blow up
air mattresses. They usually
lasted a couple of hours and
then flattened for the rest of
the night. We also had army
sleeping bags . . . not comfy.

During the night, no fire of
course, chilly in the dark as
well as freezing and starving 
by breakfast. Dad would try
his hand at pancakes, slightly
burned on the outside and
slightly raw on the inside.
Not quite sure why we liked
them so much.

We always went on hikes
and dad took lots of pics.
I still look at them, tiny
things, black and white.

I do rather thank the gods
for my little travel trailer,
easier, more practical and
comfortable . . . and yet, 
my childhood camping 
experiences . . .some of my 
most precious memories!

Sep 14, 2022


It bears repeating . . .
anticipation, fulfillment, 
remembrance . . . which of
these is the greatest?!

I've talked about this before;
still, I've been reminded of the
quandary of late. And yes, I do
recognize all three have their
place in the chain of events!

I'm a planner. I get an idea and
I play with it until it's blossomed
into a fine plan. The anticipation
of it all just stirs my soul. Kind
of gets the old juices going and
at my age, that's rather important.

I always enjoy actual happenings.
Unfortunately, my mind harks
back as well as forward and I
have to remind myself to live in
the moment. Methinks, 'twas moi
the Zen masters were talking
about when writing about being
in the now!

Nothing quite like the whole
coming home thing, unpacking,
showering, falling into bed and
recalling every single detail of
whatever we just enjoyed. There
are times when I do so over and
over again.

So, it comes to me that all three
stages are of vast importance. All
three are necessary. The only thing
I might change would be for me
to learn that ever so important
lesson of living in the now and
enjoying every single moment.

I've always said, "I'm the most
unbalanced Libra I've ever known"
so most likely I'll be juggling all
three to the delight of my non-
existant? existent? audience.

*existAnt existed in the past and
continues to exist.
*existEnt exists, but its existence
do not necessarily continue from
the past

Sep 13, 2022


Methinks I've finally discovered
the secret . . . the secret of why
I'm a tad heavy and my counter
part is not . . .

If he has a beer, he leaves about
an inch in the bottom. This is the
way it's done in polite society
in Mexico. Sometimes, I think
he's more Mexican than German!

We open a bottle of wine, we
drink half and he's inclined to
leave it for another day. My way
is to finish the bottle just in case
it might sour, you know!

He always leaves a tad of food on
his plate, also a Mexican custom.
He'll say no to seconds and I'll
say yes to thirds, if I really like
the dish.

On the other hand, when we go to
the grocery store, he buys double
and I buy single. Let me just say,
he eats well all month and I do
some pretty bizarre put-togethers!

I like to top off the gas in the pick
up and he prefers to wait until it's
running on red . . . Still, opposites
attract and it just might be why
we get along so well! Who knows?!

opposites attract
different makes for spicy
love me the odd ones

Sep 12, 2022


Now that I'm about 172 years
old, I marvel at the changes I
have witnessed in my own life

We got our first phone when I
was 10; a three-way party line.
Now, our cell phones fit in the
palms of our hands!

At about the same time, our 
town had one black and white
television station. Today, there
are hundreds and hundreds.

Mostly, dads worked and moms
stayed at home, rarely seen today.
She cooked proper sit down meals,
both breakfast and supper. Fast
food and take out reign today.

Our parents didn't even have to
give permission for our small pox
vaccines; we got them at school.
I can't even imagine the law suits
this would bring about today.

Special services in education were
just beginning and today there are
so many categories it boggles the
mind. For these, I am most thankful.

School lunches were homemade and
absolutely delicious. Methinks today's
smack of pre-packaging.

And no computers, just ribboned
typewriters. Long distance phone 
calls were prohibitive and telegrams 
quite fun.

Sooooo not saying the good old days
were better, just find the changes 
quite interesting.

days of yesteryear
nostalgia reigns eternal
good better or best

Sep 11, 2022


"When life gets dark,
that's when stars
appear among us.
Shine bright, 
beautiful ones
Throw light from 
your burning hearts."
~John Mark Green

Today, we can't help but
remember the events of
21 years ago. I imagine
we are all casting our 
minds back, recalling 
where we were when the
news broke out of what we
refer to today as 9/11.

Teaching in my classroom
full of kids, suddenly the
television came on. The
principal informed us over
the network that we were
to keep our TVs on and 
that we would have the
students in our rooms for
the day. Furthermore, bath
room breaks were to be
accompanied by an adult.

I remember the shocked
silence in the room as the
broadcast continued. It
takes a lot to shut up teens
and this was more than a
lot! The silence 'mongst
the students was almost

There were silent tears,
open mouths, arms up,
shaking heads, all in 
disbelief of what was 
happening. Some of my
young Christian students 
quietly rose, went to the 
back of the classroom 
and began praying. The
rest of us . . . crossing
ourselves over and over.

In 40 years of teaching,
I have never witnessed
any comparable event.
Heart wrenching beyond
belief . . .  never to be

I pray the 3,000 lives
lost that day may rest
in peace.

Sep 10, 2022


The gift of a day . . .

We all get bogged down
a bit in life no matter our 
ages, our situations, our 

So what's to be done? For
us, it's all about taking a 
day. We stay abed, eat fun
foods, watch fun movies.
Methinks 'tis called vegging
out. Glorious!

I sooooo love the whole
being naughty business.
But what worries me, the
ensuing guilt. I can just
hear my mom asking me,
"What is this all about?
Get up, take a shower, get

I think I want to get to the
point where I can glory in
a lazy day, but guilt free.
Actually, I'm thinking I
don't have nearly the guilt
I did the last time we did
this. Maybe what I need
would be to make naughty
more often!

I can hear that invitation
just waiting to seduce me.
Go figure!

heard it said before
what a difference a day makes
lets plan a naughty

Sep 8, 2022


I am blown away by all
the animals that visit us
at the cabin . . . 

Yesterday, perfect example!
Early a.m, up the rock walk
way come both a doe and
her buck. Beautiful, graceful
animals. The buck had a
humungous rack. Sooooo 
moving to see the grace with
which this pair moved. Wow!

We regularly watch this sweet
little doe who has an enormous
growth on her side. Rather
breaks your heart. She came in
twice. The second time, she
parked herself in the pergola
and had a long lie down. Didn't
even get up when I went to
check the mail!

About the same time, we saw
a mom with her two fawns in
the back yard. Cute beyond
description!!! Here we are
watching the front yard from
the porch and running inside
to check the back yard every
few. What a gift we were 

Once they all left, we decided
to call it a day, but just as we
were headed in, two more doe
came into the yard. I find my-
self wanting to sing praises to
the Universe, make no mistake.

God, I sooooo love living in 
the cabin enjoying Mother
Nature every single day!


Beginning to wonder about 
me . . . Actually, wondered 
about me my entire life, but 
that is as it is!

Confession time; I like, love,
enjoy murder mysteries. I like 
to read them, I like to watch
them. Can't think why, other
than I like the puzzles they

Can't go too far into the harsh.
Sign me up for Bones, Monk,
Columbo, and my all time fave, 

I quite enjoy foreign flicks as 
well, Rosemary & Thyme and
Death in Paradise being 
absolute delights. 

I sometimes worry the angst
and agony of the murder
mysteries will creep into my
dreams. Might just be why
I like my guy right next to 
me and holding my hand 
whilst we watch 'em!

I also quite enjoy mysteries 
that have naught to do with 
murder! The FinderWhite 
Collar, perfect examples. All 
the fun without so much of 
the angst!

Sooooo, going to have a read
just now . . . well knowing I
might just have to watch a
mystery this very eve . . .
Sherlock, here I come!

Sep 7, 2022


What is it about a book?

I love the heft of a good book.
I like the scent, the intrigue 
of the title, the recognition 
of the author's name. And, 
not to forget the anticipation
accompanying that whole
waiting game!

Perhaps learning to read is
the greatest gift ever given.
Gateway into unknown worlds,
it's the awakening of the mind,
body and soul to possibilities
hitherto unknown.

I am ever grateful for those
talking books sent to us weekly
so my blind brother could read.
I am thankful to my parents for
reading aloud to us each evening. 
And, they modeled the joy that
accompanies silent reading. 

I am well pleased at the efforts
made to get me books from the
library each week. I owe a debt 
of gratitude to Virginia Lemons
for driving us to the library on a
regular basis. She gifted us with
possibilities unattainable in any
other way.

Pure magic to be able to listen
to a book whilst traveling, make
no mistake. Modern techniques
have made so many reading 
scenarios possible. Still, give 
me my own glorious library
any day of the week!

ive said it before
libraries taste of heaven
will say it again

Sep 6, 2022

09/06/2022 - Mole lovers ahoy . . .

So love me some summer
mole . . .

I look forward to that time
just before summer's end
and autumn's beginning . . .
There is a plethora of chiles 
of all different types from
all different countries that
come to fruition.

Methinks 'tis mole calling
my name! I get out my past
recipes. Get into my six wall
spice cabinets. Pick, choose;
the mouth watering begins.

The first of three days is spent
stemming, seeding and shaking
the dried chiles. After hours of
burning hands and teary eyes,
the chiles go in water to spend
the night.

On the second of three days, 
the chiles are slow boiled for
several hours and allowed to

Finally the third, bundle after
bundle of softened chiles are
blended in some of the water
they were boiled in. Put through
a strainer, remains are blended
yet another two times.

At the end of the day, a couple
of gallons of pure chile sauce
are put to boil. Now comes the
fun part . . . adding in anywhere
from 40 to 90 different herbs
and spices. Bits and pieces into
the pot, a stir and a taste.

At last, there's a moment, that
final moment when perfection
is reached. And thus begins the
prepping of glorious foods that
love mole, sharing with friends,
even freezing some for future

Did I say even say just how 
much I love mole?

Sep 5, 2022


Daddy, ever . . .
"Gentle on my Mind"
~John Hartford

Never been exactly sure
why I am often overcome
with missing him, but 'tis
ever and always.

One of my first real memories
of him is his climb up Mount
Garfield with me in his back
pack. I had just turned three.
What a way to celebrate!

I remember one Friday night,
dad was stopped at a red light
when an old family friend
pulled up by us. Paul Griffin,
long time buddy of dad's, 
dared a drag race. Funny thing
is, Paul won and daddy got the
ticket! Mother was not pleased.

One time I was lucky enough
to be invited along on one of
his drives. I was probably 10
or so. I look over and his eye
was firmly shut. I shook him
and shouted, 'wake up' . . . he
burst out laughing. Turns out
he only had his right eye shut.

I can't eat pancakes even now
without thinking of him. They
were his speciality and I've
never been able to match them.

I so wanted to learn to play
the piano, but of course there
was no funds for such. Then,
he got a job building two fire
places for the owner of The
Far East restaurant. Daddy
exchanged the two fire places
for a piano. Such love I have
never known elsewhere . . .

Oh God, I miss him so much!

Sep 3, 2022


Such exciting times . . .

Last night I received the news;
I am to be a great grandmother!
The elation made me feel rather
over the moon, giddy as a kid at

I'm laying in bed simply smiling
to myself; couldn't stop for love
nor money, as the saying goes.
And, I was reminded . . .

I cast my mind back to the day I
told my parents we were expecting
their first grandchild. We lived in
a land far, far away and alas, had 
no telephone. 

I remember asking a neighbor
if I could borrow their phone in
the evening; cheaper back then.
I baked a pan of fresh muffins to 
thank them and went on over to 
make the call.

The fun part was they overheard
me and of course were ever so
happy for us. The downside might
have been that the entire college
then knew before breakfast. Good
news travels just as fast as bad!

Can't help but think about that
magic moment when my own
daughter told me I was soon to 
be a grandmother. The myriad 
of emotions I felt was like bask-
ing in the beauty of a double 

And now I find I am to be given
the gift of being a great grand!
Feeling ever so blest . . . 


How many things can you fit
in a day? Frankly, sometimes 
it boggles the mind . . .

Awoke in anticipation, broke
the fast in sharing and chat.
Already looking forward to
the next time . . .

Traveled on and indulged in
x-mas prep. We are in Dec
after all, right?! Errands to
run and people to please . . .

An unexpected luncheon,
quick and dirty sharing, as 
it were. Can hardly wait for
afters . . .

A working p.m. What is it
said about good intentions?
Eating yet again, but at least
avoiding imbibing  Just call
me Saint Whatever . . .

Rest at last, but may it not be
eternal! Waking up is the best
of sleep, after all! Can't help
but wonder what the morrow
has on the docket . . .

     just get on with it
     the difference of a day 
     hopes and dreams await

An afterthought . . .
a day ending in great news 
is a day like no other!!!

Sep 2, 2022


6:30 a.m. this morn brought 
us our fave young bear, one 
we are particularly fond of.

No mom with him, so have
to wonder if he is weaned 
or just out on a walk away 
from home.

He happily walked to and
fro on our rock sidewalk,
obviously having a look- 
see. He must have been a
tad disappointed not to 
encounter breakfast.

Still, as we were off not
long after, rather glad to
see him depart.

Just to think, all of our
summer bears will be off
to hibernate end of Oct.
or early November. 

The part of me that's tired
of picking up knocked over
trash cans and scared when
they come too close to me,
will be just fine with their
long winter's nap.

goldilocks and moi
enjoying our bears just now
still time for their naps