Oct 30, 2021


"I like canceled plans and rainy day naps.
I like old bookstores and empty coffee shops.
I like muddy gardens and the smell of melting 
chocolate. But mostly, I just like the sweet, 
simple magic that this life has to offer."
~Brook Hampton

One of the things I find happening as the latter
part of the year drives us indoors is, re-thinking
our tastes, our passions, those loves of our life.

I've always enjoyed hiking; now I love drives.
So adored running my 26 K a day in Mexico,
now it's short walks, and I mean short. I loved 
my children living with me; nowadays it's time
to go visit them. Used to have so much fun 
dressing up; alas, sticking to my all black 
these days.

In taking a look-see, I think I actually want
to dig deeper. Needs be acknowledgement
of aging issues, must ponder the now rather
than yesteryear. What can I actually do that
works with my age, taste and experience.

Admittedly, love my who-done-its on DVD.
Like eating foods not usually consumed at
normal hours. Ice cream for breakfast and
granola for supper works for me. Sending
cards and short notes to family and friends
tickles me. Re-reading fave books never
fails to put a smile on my face.

Still, there's a catalogue of 70 years of
experiences that needs re-exploring. 'Tis
best not to overlook something I'd quite
get a kick out of! 

So, climbing Mount Everest is off, but
writing a letter a day is def on! Probably
will pass on the whole driving five days
to spend a couple won't work on half a
retirement, but perhaps meeting half 
way or helping with tickets might work.

Bottom line . . . needs me thinking out
side the box, damn it!!!

whats for fun these days
try some old things on for size
guess i love it all

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