Oct 16, 2021


"You're the strangest person I ever met."
she said, and I said, "You too," and we
decided we'd know each other a long 
time. ~Brian Andreas

I'm simply enjoying the hell out of my
October, birth month that it is to me. 
Each and every day, something special. 
Last night my bestie arrived to spend the
night and today with me. Such fun . . .

 . . . sitting by the fire, telling our tales
out of school, laughing at naught and
simply enjoying. 'Twas the finest wine
I've ever imbibed and I find myself

What is it about friendship that endures?
Friendship that goes the distance, that
finds its way back to hearth and home?!
I think the word I'm looking for is
heaven . . . perhaps, nirvana!

presents and treasures
friendship greatest gift of all
tis the gift of life

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