Oct 5, 2021


It's taken me a long time to realize
I don't have to plan every little thing
to the 'enth degree!!! I get that it's
my way, but I'm learning, finally, to
step back and just let things happen!

Today, is the fifth day in my own
October celebrations. It's one of a
couple of days that I haven't planned
out. 'Tis my intention to let today be
and see what happens.

Hey, I may even report out later . . .

 - - -

Oh, what an amazing afternoon! We
did our weekly list of chores, but it
all led to a surprise by my lover. We
went to a local restaurant bar in our
area, one we'd never visited before.

Our waitress was working her legs
off, clients both outside and in the 
cafe. The food was neither Mexican
nor even Tex-Mex. It felt rather 
Indian, actually. Nonetheless, quite

The entire experience was so fun.
Starting with the surprise, the new
place and unusual foods. 

so love surprises
bring them on ms october
enjoy my birth month

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