Oct 15, 2021


"The path isn't a straight line;
it's a spiral. You continually
come back to things you 
thought you understood and
see deeper truths."
~Barry H. Gillespie

Seems I am constantly chasing
after truth. Just as I'm about to
catch up and comprehend, it 
tends to elude my grasp.

Have to believe I'm on the right
path for me. I need to believe!
I know that there are many paths
and we are led to the one meant
for us. Still, I need to understand.

I read every single day; meditate
most days. I literally plead for
enlightenment. Alas, I despair;
I have so little time left.

I am beginning to see the spiral.
'Round and round the mulberry
bush . . . ' Just pray I don't go

pray enlighten me
must understand ere i go
lead me to my truth

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