Oct 1, 2021


I so enjoyed my first day of October!
My stepdaughter came to spend the
evening with me in front of the fireplace.
Coffee and chat . . . doesn't get any better
than that.

So looking forward to see what today
brings. My daughter and daughter-in-law
will be joining the two of us for a 
Daughters Only brunch. Isn't that just 
the most fun way to celebrate the second 
day of October?!

I so adore all my girls. Actually, they are
proper women, but as I'm a hundred years
old, I tend to think of them as girls. My
bad! Alas, a couple of them can't come to
the brunch due to moving and working. 
Still, I'll enjoy the other three albeit
missing the other two.

I do think about October and all it means
to me. My birth month, Samhain and 
or Halloween if you prefer. I've always
loved celebrating the entire month as
opposed to just one day. There's a story
there . . . perhaps to be shared at a later

Sooooo love me some October days and
all the magick they bring! Me thinks I'll
soon be telling tales out of school . . .

october is ten
thirty one days of pure fun
must buy a lotto

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