Oct 19, 2021


"Rock-a-bye baby 
in the tree top. 
When the wind blows, 
the cradle will rock. 
And, down will come baby, 
cradle and all."
Roud Folk Song

'Tis early morn of the day after,
1:30 a.m. and I'm still awake . . .

Not quite sure if it's me not wanting
to let go of my b-day or if it's my
body reminding me who's boss?!

Perhaps, this sleeplessness has
something to do with me preferring 
to spend my time living rather than

Or, I just remembered, I treated
myself to a cup of coffee as it was
my b-day . . . no wonder I can't

So, let's see what I can start thinking
about when I go to bed tonight; why
would I want to sleep anyway . . .
and no more coffee for me!

"Hush little baby, 
don't you cry . . . "

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