Oct 5, 2021

10/06/2021 - Mad Hatter Day

"The Mad Hatter is a fictional cartoon
character depicted in Alice's Adventures
in Wonderland. Mad Hatter Day was the
brainstorm of a group of computer people
in Boulder, Colorado dating back to 1986.
Most likely a bit board with bits and bytes,
they created this special day. The selection
of the date was actually quite logical. The
Mad Hatter wears a top hat. On the front
of the hat is a slip of paper with 10/6
written on it. The paper is believed to be
an order to make the hat, and that it costs
ten shillings sixpence." Holiday Insights

I had just returned to the US after my 20
year stint in Mexico when Mad Hatter
Day was born. Having something of a
whimsical nature myself, along with an
adoration of author Lewis Carroll, I fell
in love instantly with the day in question.

Of course, the day will stand tall in my
October celebrations! I have intentions
of raising a glass to his majesty, the
Mad Hatter! Not to forget that this year
the day coincides with the new moon,
ever and always auspicious! Surely,
with neighbors dropping by, we will 
be well remembering the Mad Hatter 
this new moon!

pray come dance with me
mad hatter sing me a song
the new moon awaits

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