Oct 18, 2021


There seems there's a rumor going
around that today is my birthday.
Don't you believe a word of it!

You may have heard the backstory
before, but the mere miracle of
turning 72 allows me to indulge

My parents met on Halloween.
First date at a movie theater. My
mom tells of reaching over and
touching my dad's arm and being 
somewhere 'twixt and 'tween being
wowed and frightened because
he had so much hair on his arm!

They married a year later on
Halloween. Are you starting to
see why I am ever so enamored 
with Halloween?

And you guessed it . . . I was
supposed to have been born on
Halloween the following year.

Alas, I've always tended to be 
an early bird and birth was no
exception. Damn it! Couldn't
I have just waited a couple of
weeks?! ~!@#$%^&*()_+

Do my taxes the first moment
allowed. Took early retirement.
So know that when you invite
me to your party, I'll probably
be the first one there. Just bet 
you, I'm going to go early to 
my demise!!!

i said trick or treat
what i really meant was treat
not ready for tricks

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