Oct 21, 2021


What shall I do with myself today?

Few and far between are those 
days in which naught is planned. 
Imagine all the choices of things 
one could do . . .

Stay home and do nothing at all!
Take a drive up in the mountains.
Go on a shopping spree; eat out
afterwards.  Can't help but wonder
if the shopping spree would be at
SAMS and eating a slice of their
pizza afterwards! Ouch!

I think one of the attributes of
being a Libra, is that we are 
planners. We plan to the point 
that when a day becomes open,
we just don't know what to do
with ourselves!  

Me thinks I need to make a 
New Year's resolution . . .
allowing myself free days, 
free time, no plans at all. 
Not sure I'd know how to
handle that or just what to
do with myself!

I find this thought to be
rather sad . . .

what to do today
i find myself wondering
sad state of affairs

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