Oct 27, 2021


"There is magic, but you have
to be the magician. You have
to make the magic happen. Real
magic is not about gaining power
over others, it's about gaining
power over yourself. Remember
that you are divine. Be patient."

Albeit you celebrate Halloween or
Samhain, you can't help but think
about magic with the approaching
witch's hour. Actually, I've been 
thinking about little else of late. 

We've all grown up with those
magic shows especially for kids.
Maybe even as adults we've had
the opportunity to see even more
sophisticated shows. Still . . .

 . . . there are ever so many more
important kinds of magic. The time 
you fell in love, real love! That day
you were handed your precious new
born. Getting your diploma after
years of arduous work. Finding a
belief system that resonated with 

And lastly, perhaps the most
important magic of all, would be
gaining mastery over self. For if
we are to love and serve others,
becoming within our own souls,
is of vast importance.

in my darkest hour
celebrating the magic
of becoming whole

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