Oct 11, 2021


Every now and then, a day comes
along that should somehow go down
in history . . . today is one of those

I remember as a child, my parents
taking us on an occasional ride. We
were somewhat impoverished, did
not have a television ever, nor even 
a telephone until I was about ten.

So at the weekend, my parents
would take us on a drive. A drive
is very different from just riding
in the car. You don't necessarily
have a destination as in a ride,
whereas a drive is all about 
enjoying the scenery. 

In western Colorado, we enjoyed
Glade Park, The Monument, Grand
Mesa. All, most wondrous! Today,
my guy chose to gift me a drive
from my dad, as it were.

Guenella Pass; I now understand
what heaven, paradise, Nirvana
look like  . . . to say nothing about
about the Autumn experience. Such
beauty; is it any wonder I worship
at the feet of Mother Nature?!

call me enamored 
so loving me some color
an artist's pallet 

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