Jan 29, 2020


I find myself dreaming . . .

It may have something to do
with having been ill the past
few days. When able to fall
asleep, I've dreamt only of
loved ones gone . . . my bro,
my grandmother, my father.
Frankly, it makes all these
dreams more than a tad scary.

Does this mean I'm soon to
join them? Or perhaps, that
I fear so. Maybe it only means
I've been missing them or that
for some reason, they have been
 on my mind.

One way or another, I've much
enjoyed seeing them, chatting
for a while, catching up . . . but,
if it's all the same to the Universe,
I'd rather not join them properly
for yet another bit . . .

why fear the future
alternative universe
tis trembling i wait

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