Jan 22, 2020


Color me ecstatic, joyful,
orgasmic, beyond thrilled!

Knowing how I LOVE cats,
especially in the wild, and
even have 8 different tats
of them . . . you can only
imagine how over the top
I feel that we had a bobcat
last night. Gynormous!

He sauntered in from the
pickups, the entire path and
up to the door . . . and alas,
beyond. Still, 'twas a long
way and made our viewing
perfect. I feel so blest!

What is it about experiencing
our totem animals that make
us feel so close to the divine?!
I feel as if God descended,
kissed me on the cheek, and
said, "See child, I haven't
forgotten you . . . "

loving me felines
thinking they all belong to me
center of my soul

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