Jan 15, 2020


Treasures ahoy . . .

We all have them, albeit some
people refer to them as junk,
stuff, things, trash. Mine are
treasures; make no mistake.

These things that are dear to
our hearts, and ever so hard
to get rid of, have a variety of
meanings. Some come from
those much loved in our lives.
Others are reminders of fun
vacations, and still others are
much needed drops in the
ocean of our emotions.

Finding myself in my latter
years, I am somewhat ready to
share mine. I say, 'somewhat'
because it's far harder than I
ever imagined. I watch for the
right person with whom to share
my treasures. I share with love
and am happy to do so. And then
at times, my heart longs for them.
Some, I actually want back. No,
I wouldn't ask, but it's tempting.

I'm curious to know why?! I have
them in my heart and in my
memories. Perhaps, the actual
treasure helps hold the memory
that much closer. As we age, and
memories become less clear, it
seems that these reminders are
ever more dear to us. In fact,
sometimes the memory fades and
we only hold onto the memento.
We hold the treasure dear, not
certain exactly why, but know
it meant something wondrous.

I pray, as I approach the pearly
gates, that people rather than
treasures, are what I hold most

you so dear to me
more than life and death itself
need no reminders

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