Jan 18, 2020


Blast from the past . . .

'Tis rather lovely running into
people known from another era
in life. Albeit joy at the encounter;
there is also curiosity.

"How have you been? What are you
up to these days? What does your
life look like since I last saw you?
It is sooooo great to see you . . .
Here's what I've been doing."

Obviously, life doesn't provide the
parameters to stay in touch with
everyone we've known throughout
our lives. Maybe, that's why God
invented x-mas cards. Still, people
come into and drift out of our lives.

Perhaps, what needs remembering
is gratitude for having known them,
having enjoyed them whilst available
to us, the things learned from them
during our sojourn together and the
joy at reconnecting.

People, friends, acquaintances . . .
all wondrous gifts from the gods.
Appreciate them!

so love knowing you
a gift from the universe
tis grateful i am

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