Jan 7, 2020


44 years ago, a wondrous miracle
occurred in my life. I birthed a
beautiful baby boy! Those words,
the miracle of birth' are not over-
stated. They perfectly capture the
joyous miracle that is birth. When
handed this precious bundle, you
know instantly that your life will
never be the same.

Watching that baby become a toddler,
a child, an adolescent, a teenager a
young man . . . watching him create
in himself the person he longs to be,
watching his joys, sorrows, successes,
watching, watching, watching . . .

What a pleasure, what a privilege! The
debt I owe the universe can never be
paid. I didn't even know the true meaning
of gratitude until I held my son in my
arms. I pray this life serve him well!

kneeling at your feet
i greet the mother in me
overwhelmed with awe

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